De officiële albumpresentatie van Ghost Radio Songs is op 19 juni om 15.30 uur in het Theater van de Bibliotheek Utrecht, Neude 11, in Utrecht. Je bent van harte welkom. Kaarten kosten € 8,50 en zijn te bestellen door een berichtje te sturen naar

Look at me.

I see in your eyes where you want to be ,

Or maybe that’s just what I want to see

Something you have on your mind...’

Someone to be lonely with

‘It’s getting out of my head now, I’m not a superstar,

Wanna see some sunshine, might go to California…’

Winter wine

‘Imagine just the thrill of it

that one time we could go and hit the ceiling

of a big town, then we stumble down,

no longer of the ground…’

Just for fun

‘A voice like candy breaks the air.

She’s fixed upon me in a hazy stare.

She wants to touch me but she doesn’t know where,

She’s living on Love Street…’

Love Street